- Why did you make this?
- Hey hi, 👋 Vincent here. I like to post solutions and workarounds in GitHub comments for others to use. Building this site is a way for me to boost my morale by seeing which of my comments helped the most. I hope you'll like it too :)
- Why do you need my GitHub login?
- GitHub provides a generous 5,000 request per hour rate-limit on their API. A Source Karma page can use up to 50 requests. To circumvent this, we use a public-data-only GitHub login which allow us to never worry about rate limits.
- What information do you store on me?
- We store your GitHub username (public), GitHub user id (public) and GitHub access token. That's it. No email, no weird data. Our code is open-source.
- What's the product / tech stack?
- This website would have been a lot harder to do without: Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, Octokit, Tailwind UI, craftwork.design, PostgreSQL, AWS, Vercel, Puppeteer (for GitHub badges generation), twemoji, and Fathom.
- When is the data updated?
- ~Every day.
- Is there a sixth question?
- No but if I remove this div it will break the grid. And yes this div hides on mobile 🤣.